Hello Hyatt Families. Please take a few moments to help us gauge the effectiveness of our school and the program offerings we have for your children by completing a quick survey at the following link: https://www.pbisassessment.org/Anon/fYK201Hb4W0 The information helps us with planning, designing, and creating opportunities for the children. We appreciate your shared support and commitment to our school community.
Elementary Bus Transportation Update for 10/17/24: Due to mechanical problems , the elementary Purple Triangle and Orange Star afternoon routes are anticipated to be 15-20 minutes behind schedule.
We have been made aware that the City of Linden is having water issues. Water to all of our buildings comes from the city water source. We have notified LCS buildings to shut down drinking fountains and our kitchens are boiling water prior to using it. We are in the process of purchasing bottled water for emergency purposes.
Unfortunately, the information we currently have is minimal but we wanted to take some proactive steps to reduce any concerns.
Our water can still be used to wash hands and using the restrooms.
As more information becomes available, we will let you know.
Thank you,
Encouraging Families to Read at Home Together -Hyatt had a book give away during lunch today!
Hello Hyatt Families. Spirit Week is off to a great start! This is a quick reminder that tomorrow is Red or Blackout Day, Thursday is Dress Your Best, and Friday is Linden Spirit Gear Day. Also, next week is our annual Book Fair! The children can shop during their library schedule or during parent teacher conferences .
Our Varsity Football Players stopped by to read a funny book to kindergarten students at Hyatt.
@lindenschools Outdoor Adventure Science students learning to fly fish. One cast at a time. #lindeneagleprides
Two of Mrs.Tousley's students brought around some sunshine today.
Practicing the letters in shaving cream for fun Friday!
Johnny Appleseed Day was sweet!
The mums have arrived! Thank you again for your support with our PALS fall fundraiser. This is a reminder that you may pick your flowers up today out front between the hours of 2:00 and 6:00 PM.
Kindergartners were 5 senses detectives!
Thank you, Chad and Michelle @EdwardJones in Linden for the donation of school supplies and support of @LindenSchools. #lindeneaglepride
Click on the link for more information on updating your student's information https://www.lindenschools.org/article/1670851
Elementary Transportation Update for Friday, September 6, 2024: The Green Square afternoon route is being split the same as it was yesterday between the Green Moon, Green Star, and Green Triangle. Please anticipate delayed student drop off times. - Thank you!
Elementary Transportation Update for Thursday, September 5, 2024: The Green Square afternoon route is being split the same as it was yesterday between the Green Moon, Green Star, and Green Triangle. Please anticipate delayed student drop off times. - Thank you!
Elementary Transportation Update for Wednesday, September 4, 2024: Green Square is being split this afternoon as it was yesterday between the Green Moon, Green Star, and Green Triangle. Please anticipate delayed student drop off times. - Thank you!
The Green Circle Bus is now leaving the elementary buildings. Student drop times will be delayed - Thank you
Elementary Transportation Update for Tuesday, September 3, 2024: The Green Square is being split this afternoon between the Green Moon, Green Star, and Green Triangle bus routes. Please anticipate delayed drop off times of 10-15 minutes for both the Green Moon and Green Star routes and 15-20 minutes for the Green Triangle route - Thank you
Transportation Update: The Green Triangle, Green Star, and Green Moon will be delayed about 10 minutes during their elementary drop-off runs.