Congratulations to Lincoln, Hyatt Elementary's student of the month!
over 1 year ago, John Strickert
Female teacher with a green shirt standing next to a student in a baseball uniform and an adult male with a blue shirt.  All are smiling.
Are you and your family looking for a great time with great food? In partnership with the Linden Masonic Lodge, Linden Community Schools is hosting its annual Spaghetti Dinner. Believe me, you will not go away hungry! All proceeds from this event go to Linden students! #lindeneaglepride
over 1 year ago, Linden Community Schools
Spaghetti Dinner poster
LCS Bus Update 4/19/23: The Green Diamond Elementary route will be split this morning. The Murphy @ Oak Street areas and stops on Tickner will run about 5 min. early. The stops on Ripley and the neighborhood off Rolston Rd will run approximately 10-15 minutes later.
over 1 year ago, Linden Community Schools
LCS Bus Update: The Green Diamond Elementary route will be split this morning. The Murphy @ Oak Street areas and stops on Tickner will run about 5 min. early. The stops on Ripley and neighborhood off Rolston Rd will run approximately 10-15 minutes later.
over 1 year ago, Linden Community Schools
Don't forget to schedule your free immunization appointment.
over 1 year ago, Linden Community Schools
Young boy in super hero costume.
Free vision and hearing screening for the 23-24 school year is available for children ages 3-5 years of age.
over 1 year ago, Linden Community Schools
Graphic with eye glasses and an ear
Box City is returning to Hyatt! Second graders met with members of police, fire, and the City Council of Linden to learn more about the history of Linden. Together they explored what it takes to create a community. The children will continue to learn more about our community as they work together to construct a community of their own called, Box City. The new city will be completed with a ribbon cutting ceremony on May 17th.
over 1 year ago, John Strickert
Second grade children sitting on the floor of a library listening to a standing adult about the history of Linden. A teacher is sitting in a blue dress to their left and another teacher is sitting near the adult speaker.
Five adults are pictured standing together representing fire, police,  teachers, and Linden's City Council.
Officer Williams and several third grade children were enjoying their time together and the summer temperatures as they played a great game of soccer during recess today!
over 1 year ago, John Strickert
Police Officer and several children are  playing soccer on the soccer field.
Bring the family for spaghetti dinner! Mark your calendar Friday, April 21, 2023 4-8 pm.
over 1 year ago, Linden Community Schools
image of spaghetti with text The Linden Masonic Lodge #132 in partnership with Linden Community Schools is hosting a student fundraiser Friday, April 21, 2023 4-6 pm 119 N Bridge Street $50 per person donation
Free vision and hearing screening for the 23-24 school year is available for children ages 3-5 years of age.
almost 2 years ago, Linden Community Schools
Graphic with glasses and an ear
LCS would like to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Spring Break. #lindeneaglepride
almost 2 years ago, Linden Community Schools
Spring Break details for Linden Community Schools.  No school for students on March 24 and return from spring break on April 3
Mrs. Gecele's class enjoyed a trip to Supe's Exotic Jungle today! A great way to close out their unit on what makes animals alike and different.
almost 2 years ago, Natalie Gecele
Mrs. Gecele's class enjoyed a trip to Supe's Exotic Jungle today! A great way to close out their unit on what makes animals alike and different.
Mrs. Gecele's class enjoyed a trip to Supe's Exotic Jungle today! A great way to close out their unit on what makes animals alike and different.
Mrs. Gecele's class enjoyed a trip to Supe's Exotic Jungle today! A great way to close out their unit on what makes animals alike and different.
Mrs. Gecele's class enjoyed a trip to Supe's Exotic Jungle today! A great way to close out their unit on what makes animals alike and different.
Mrs. Gecele's class enjoyed a trip to Supe's Exotic Jungle today! A great way to close out their unit on what makes animals alike and different.
Mrs. Gecele's class loves Flashlight Friday during reading time.
almost 2 years ago, Natalie Gecele
Mrs. Gecele’s class loves Flashlight Friday during reading.
le’s class loves Flashlight Friday during reading.
le’s class loves Flashlight Friday during reading.
St. Patrick’s Day math! 1st graders practiced their sorting, graphing, and comparing skills!
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Belill
St. Patrick’s Day math! 1st graders practiced their sorting, graphing, and comparing skills!
Please allow up to a 10-20 minute delay for Elementary Green Diamond this morning.
almost 2 years ago, Linden Community Schools
Time is running out for Youth Lacrosse Registration. If your child is grades 3 through 8 and interested in playing Lacrosse this Spring you must register by March 31. Please click this link for the registration form: If you have any questions please call Linden Community Education at 810-591-0415. We have so much planned and we are looking forward to the first annual Linden Youth Lacrosse Showdown Tournament on May 20.
almost 2 years ago, Linden Community Education
tuffy eagle holding a lacrosse stick
LCS will be closed on Friday, March 10. With the current and pending weather conditions, and the ongoing accumulation of snow, we feel that closing down the district is the safest decision. We will continue to assess the conditions within our district and make additional announcements regarding after school activities later this afternoon. Please be safe.
almost 2 years ago, Linden Community Schools
school closed
Third grade students were thrilled to meet several Linden varsity lacrosse players at lunch today! The players encouraged the children to consider lacrosse to meet new friends, be on a team, and to have fun this spring. Informational flyers were passed out to all who were interested. Good luck to our lacrosse team this spring!
almost 2 years ago, Mr. Strickert
Three high school boys wearing the school lacrosse jerseys posing with third grade students in the cafeteria.
Picture of high school lacrosse players signing autographs at the lunch table at Hyatt Elementary
We wanted to remind you that tomorrow is spring picture day at Hyatt! Have a great night.
almost 2 years ago, Hyatt Elementary
The Green Diamond bus is split again today. The students will be on the other Green shapes.
almost 2 years ago, Hyatt Elementary